my intent is to tour the country with the seasons in a vaguely figure 8 pattern, starting with the most familiar places, Byron Bay & Lennox Head. from there i'll head south to Melbourne, followed by Tasmania, Adelaide/Kangaroo Island, Alice Springs/Ulurur (Ayers Rock), Darwin, Broome, Perth, Canberra, and Sydney. Sydney being the departure point for New Zealand. one can't be too thorough when searching for the country of one's choice, now can one?
having listed all those cities as destinations i should probably clarify that i don't actually plan to be much of an urban dweller while down under, listing the cities is just an easier reference point for me to type and you to visualize. but apart from casual touristing in the territorial capitals, most of my time will be spent in the surrounding countryside working as "volunteer" labor on organic farms. i say volunteer, but really i will be exchanging my labor for food, shelter and an education in the day-to-day workings and management of such an enterprise. so really, in a way, i'm going to Australia to get my Masters Degree in Sustainable Agriculture and Land Management. i'll be away from home for 2 years, meeting lots of new people, learning new skills, and interspersing my hard work with trips to the beach. see, just like college. well, maybe not that last bit about the beach, and i won't have a sheet of parchment with fancy calligraphy backed by tens of thousands of dollars in debt to say i'm smart. but other than that, it's just like going back to college.
as for this blog, my hope is to use it to chronicle my adventures, post pictures and videos and all those other things one does with a blog. i plan to try and post at least once a week, so if i start to slack feel free to send an irate email demanding knowledge of my whereabouts and doings. oh, and if the lack of capitalization bothers anybody, tough shit. that's the way i roll, bitches. ;-)
nick bilz
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